Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Why was Dylan not on Skype and Second Life? Here's why...

I received a message from Dylan from Youtube (Stan Smith (dylan.serin/Dylan Serin)/Second Life)

I was involved in a accident, ever heard of the band U2? Well It was the end of the show and me and my crew was packing up from the tour they were on(360 tour) and I had to climb the trussing to disconect cables going to the speaker's and lights when I blacked out on top, I fell off the truss, higher then 50 meters I think and when they saw me, I was slipping and falling off the top of the stage, my crew hurried up and caught me with tarping, life changing, I did't remember a thing, not going to stop doing what I do, in my room in the hospital I was in I had to bed the nurse to let me message some friends, I also was visited by the band in my room, it was awesome, go ahead and tell everyone the story, I won't be out of this room untill a while. God I am so lonely, good thing a few friends brought me their smartphones, I was able to check youtube for updates. Feels like a prision here.

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