About ELITE 3000

ELITE 3000 is an independent quantier in which it is run by Ryan Provost from Tilbury, Ontario, Canada, with followers from GaiaOnline, Zwinky, Habbo, WeeWorld, Meez, Second Life, and others.

Ryan Provost is 23 years old and likes current events, financial markets, alternative-fuel and eco cars, sporty cars, chatting, video production, social networking, blogging and virtual world exploration and interactivity.

 ELITE 3000 was used to be RYAN 3000 in 2007 before the rename, in which it was a huge hit with lots of stuff expected for RYAN 3000. Before RYAN 3000 was formed, Operations went to RP07 with happenings with various stuff, and everyday ramblings. Before 2007, RP06 came in full force with same personalities with RP07, even with early days on Youtube, before retiring from Google Video, and RP06 made a huge hit on the Lissa Explains It All website forums. Before 2006, Ryan's World 100000 (and other varities before RW100000) came roared the mid 2000s when RWX came on Lissa Explains it All and Decimal Time community forums to see what's going on. RWX then saw a guide on Neopets, then RWX created a Neopets account named ryansworld 100000 then played Neopets for a while until got tired of it and left the site (until 2010 when ELITE 3000 recovered the Neopets account from RW100000 and now claimed as ELITE 3000.)

Before RWX was formed, it was The Ryan Place, RPR World and Ryan's World. Ryan's World, the kickoff to the Ryo-Eliteseries formed in 2002 in which RW was keeping date using the fantasty date system and used imaginary stuff. Between 2002 and 2004, RW-RPRW-TRP first made the site on Homstead.com and then switched over to GeoCities then noticed another group about the Gundam scouts, then over the years in the Ryo-Eliteseries, RWX noticed something about spells and saw the website Moon Embraced as it featured spells and urges followers of RWX to avoid using the spells, then the focus on the other group shifted to a Yu-Gi-Oh! related fan page then RWX then RP06 promotes various YGO fan pages. This lost interest when RP07 rolls around, and to RYAN 3000 and then ELITE 3000, The other group got abolished.

The first interactivity with outsiders began in 2005 in which RW100000 signed up for Neopets, then in 2006, RP06 joined Zwinky when it first came out as rynprov. During RP07, RP07 discovered Zwinktopia and went to chat. During RYAN 3000, RYAN 3000 was covering events on Zwinky, and the process moved on to ELITE 3000, with a Zwinky username change to tilburyboy12 (then tilburyboy2009, now elite3000), and have a first Second Life account named Elite Jigsaw (now Elite Runner but used an alt account named Elite3000 Abbot). Over the years, ELITE 3000 signed up for more virtual worlds like IMVU (rynprov, then elite3000, now e3k2010), Habbo (tilburyboy12), WeeWorld (rynprov), Meez (tilburyboy12), and GaiaOnline (Elite3000, with an alt account [e3k_test_account]). Elite3000/Gaia never played zOMG ever but watches Youtube videos about it.

One of R3K's old Zwinky account rynprov was hacked in 2008 when a friend exchanges passwords then RYAN 3000 thinks that's a dumb idea and one day, all the ZBucks and most of the ZCard was drained, and a hacker spoofs rynprov's wardrobe from a male to a female and spends the Zbucks and Zcard on female clothing, and messes up with the room's colours. R3K was mad as he aggressively reverts the wardrobe, and the room colours, changes the password, reloads the ZCard and ZBucks, and posted the announcement on Youtube. Another hacking comes in 2010 during ELITE 3000 as E3K used one of the Gaia Gold cenerators and used it on the alt account (e3k_test_account/Gaia) then one day, the main ELITE 3000 account (Elite3000/Gaia) was hacked, and he contacted GaiaOnline to change the email as the hacker changed the email address and password. Once the main ELITE 3000 Gaia account went to ELITE 3000's possession from the hacker, ELITE 3000 resets the GaiaOnline password and notice most of the Gaia Gold and Gaia Cash has been drained and the favourites and variables vanish, even the monthly collectiable and EI item and Raidiant Prism, G9 Laptop and Go Phone! It took a few months to recover, but Elite3000/Gaia knew he has to stay away from Gaia Gold generators as it was bogus, and plans to warn other Gaians about the dangers of Gaia Gold generators as he earns more than 2.2 million Gaia Gold and counting and getting thousands of Gaia Cash WITHOUT the use of Gaia Gold generators or cheats!

ELITE 3000 Today is a multi-virtual-world news show that covers news stories from many virtual worlds, including Zwinky, WeeWorld, GaiaOnline, Second Life and others. Elite3000/Gaia is the main anchor with the co-anchor elite3000/Zwinky. It is only avaliable on Youtube, but he sometimes do a broadcast on Ustream.TV to pretend the newscast as it was aired LIVE and REAL TIME. It was to be E3K NEWS 100, then E3K NEWS 24, then E3K NEWS then back to E3K NEWS 100 before the rebrand to ELITE 3000 Today. It was an inspiration to 24 Zwinky Hours from ZMA News hosted by Ringgo and Vims (formerlly Matt) and the 10:00 Zwinky News in which it was formerlly hosted by Melanie. It first starts off as news events from Zwinky, then reporting from Second Life then WeeWorld, then Habbo, Meez, IMVU, and GaiaOnline. He plans to further report on Neopets and Club Penguin in 2011.