Sunday, November 20, 2011


I have to share some important and urgent news to pass to you. The ELITE 3000 website at seems to be taken down by the hosting provider and terminated my site's account. And I cannot remember my password for, so I am moving the website back to Wix. The website will now be located at


Friday, November 04, 2011

ELITE 3000 Monthly Update November 2011 CE/Lambda EY1011 EE

Well, I have no time to do a monthly video update, so I bring you update via text.

Update 1: ELITE 3000 Daylight Time (E3K-DT) will revert to ELITE 3000 Standard Time (E3K-ST) starting on 2011.11.06-Su at 02:00amE3K-DT in which it'll revert to 01:00amE3K-ST.

UPDATE 2: Ryan Elite (Elite Runner) from the ELITE 3000 Second Life Unit has been involved in a role-play in City of Concord involving a motor vehicle incident. He said he was dizzy and was rushed to the NPC hospital. Later, Elite temporarily transferred powers to Stan Smith (Dylan Serin) before he recovered and then returned powers to Ryan Elite.

UPDATE 3: Since Halloween is long gone, ELITE 3000 is looking forward to the Holidays. Thus, the ELITE 3000 Countdown to Christmas is underway and starting in December 2011 CE/Mu EY1011 EE, ELITE 3000 will kick off Holiday Watch 2011 CE/EY1011 EE as we count down to Christmas and other regional holidays like Kwanzaa and Hanukkah and of course the new year 2012 CE and the new EliteYear EY1012 EE.

And lastly: Update 4: ELITE 3000 is considering to get an Android phone, BlackBerry or iPhone 4S for Christmas next month or for the leader's 25th birthday in January 2012 CE/Alpha EY1012 EE

That is all! Hope you have a wonderful month! See ya!