Saturday, October 15, 2011


Well, I was watching Youtube videos on SZYM Second Life and saw the video courtesy of Zarrakan Productions. It shows Zarrakan Yue driving a SZYM Metro with customizable parts. I thought it is cool. I commented on the video and he replied back and then I friended him on Second Life (He uses the same viewer as mine (Viewer 3.x) and uses Phoenix Viewer as backup). I decided to get mine (It costs L$99) and  drove it on the ELITE 3000/Suplex Technologies Complex at region Solace Lake after doing modifications since it is copy and modify. I even drove it on Corse GP Raceway at region Shiva and drove a lap around. I saw Zarrakan's video and he placed a shared media viewer so he can play his Internet radio on it. I followed suit and added mine. He even added a prim rezzer so whenever he parks on rezzable land, he can rez his stuff to camp out. I saw on the video, he added a lag meter and prim counter and shows the region name. I am willing to add that on mine. I also added a region border sensor, new region notifier, a speedometer from the Zapax and a boombox originally from the Zapax. Here is the video of the SZYM Metro I took on Friday evening.
 And here's the video from Zakkaran on the driving video.

[UPDATE 2011.12.02-Fr: The video reportedly has been removed by the user, so ELITE 3000 has removed the video from the blog.]

That is all for now. See ya!

EDIT 2011.10.23-Su, I have found another Youtube video about the SZYM Metro. This time, this video was recorded on the mainland on the linden roads crossing many regions on the continent. Will Szymborska drove the SZYM Metro on the linden roads and was using Phoenix Viewer during that time. The video was uploaded on ELITE 3000 Day 2011 (2011.01.15-Sa)

Friday, October 14, 2011

New blog theme, Mesh cars in Second Life, Chatham trip

I have decided to change the blog theme to white background with blue and black text as I do a blog makeover, and I made a new header so instead of the big header, I put a long but compact pic stretched out horizontally with less space with 100 px height. I shall do the same with the website.

This week in Second Life, I saw a mesh car from Astaro from region Prototype. It's the Astaro Renegade. It costs L$1690 (L$5 more on the marketplace). It features a SVT transmission, as I drove with it in the SZYM Inturder, SZYM Enterouage, and SZYM Palidian. The feature I like is the digital tach and digital speedometer. When I was driving my Astaro Renegade on Vixens Isle and adjacent sims, I drove by the Flynn's arcade and noticed that's the building from the movie TRON from the 1980s and that suits the Astaro Renegade since it's the 80's car. I managed to take a snapshot of the Astaro Renegade parked in front of Flynn's in Vixens Isle.

I have 3 other mesh vehicles, 2 of them cars, one of them a sports bike from an in-world store named PREFARBICA in which I visited the area once I clicked on the link while logging in to Second Life.

Number 1 is the Mirage GTI (L$490) in which it's one of the mesh cars I got. I really like the looks of the car. Number 2 is the Stealth GT (L$490) in which I drove around around the ELITE 3000 Second Life Centre at Solace Lake and it is good. Number 3 is the SGP1000 Samurai (L$490). One drawback: High PE, but it rides well, but needs customizations for license plate, but I like it.

I have Viewer 3 since August, upgraded from Viewer 2 since I first started it in early 2010, and I can see mesh well.

I plan to videotape and drive all 4 mesh vehicles, along with the SZYM Paldian, SZYM Entrourage, the SZYM Intruder, and the SZYM Metro that I got earlier this afternoon (I will discuss the SZYM Metro in a future blog post.), and the official car of the ELITE 3000 Second Life Unit, the 2012 Zapax v4.x!

In unrelated news, I will be going to Chatham, Ontario later on in the late morning today since it's already Friday, as it's after 00mnE3K-DT. I plan to get a new headset and eat at Wendy's for lunch for a baconater.

That's all for now! I'll see ya later! Bye bye!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Guess what! We have decided to move the blog back to Blogger at We will be posting new items on the blog on a regular basis. We have also nuked the entries and deleted the blog at because Blogger is much better. Hope you enjoy visiting the new blog! See ya!